Registration Bank Account information:Recipient:Pielisen-Karjalan Tukkilaisperinne ryLehtolantie 79/Terho TurunenFI-81570 KELVÄFinlandAccount nr: FI61 5343 0740 1032 83International swift code/BIC: OKOYFIHH Name of organization Country Participant names Participant 1 drink coupons 55 €, yes Yes Participant 2 drink coupons 55 €, yes Yes Participant 3 drink coupons 55 €, yes Yes Participant 4 drink coupons 55 €, yes Yes Participant 5 drink coupons 55 €, yes Yes Participant 6 drink coupons 55 €, yes Yes Participant 7 drink coupons 55 €, yes Yes Participant 8 drink coupons 55 €, yes Yes Participant 9 drink coupons 55 €, yes Yes Participant 10 drink coupons 55 €, yes Yes Fee: 230 €/person, includes program, optional drink coupons 55 €. Address for Contact person: Street City Postal code Country Name of contact person Telephone number: Email Name of participants in the General Assembly Friday 7.6.2024 1. 2. 3. Arrival Airport and number of people: Kajaani 55 € oneway : Kuopio 65 € oneway: Oulu 80 € oneway: Arrival airport will be asked again in February 2024. Now we ask you to make an estimation of number of arrivals. If you have any questions Call: +358 50 440 8 334 Tommi Anttonen Email: